Save Women’s Sports – Fight The Democrat War On Women as Trans Dominate All

From the video – Remember folks, they are STEALING all scholarships in all schools across the nation who allow any man to just say they are Trans, to then beat any women in whatever physical field it is. Women’s Sports will be wiped out within 2 years – all winners of all sports will be men. All professional sports too soon, watch how washed-up men start to infest women’s basketball, all women’s teams as they continue to defeat all women thanks to them being men.
Link used with the vids commented on: Save Women’s Sports – Fight The Democrat War On Women or…. Your daughters will always lose to Trans
The News Variable Show, with Mal Antoni hosting… Now here on Rumble. All controversial statements by Mr. Antoni are his own opinions. If you don’t like them, don’t watch. If you are one of those nut cases who watch just to complain, get a life or stick to fake news. We have no time for your BS. America needs patriots that just say it like it is. If you don’t like it, too damn bad.
——DISCLAIMER: This show contains opinions of the host and guests and is meant for entertainment purposes only. News Variable provides information and the sources where it was obtained. Viewer discretion is advised. Email for any reason –

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