The entire Insurrection’ was staged. A lie by the Left to destroy American freedom and Donald Trump. All who helped create the fake insurrection are criminals and insurrectionists who need to be arrested.Traitor McConnell called J6 a ‘violent...

The People Win! Argentina is exploding in celebration, Trump’s turn coming up…

Can you imagine the celebrations once we get Trump back in office, to save America? HOLY COW!Argentina’s new President-elect is treated like a rockstar as he walks through a crowd of supporters in Buenos Aires. Javier Milei won his countries...

And Now: The Republican Congress That America Deserves. Time To Roll… Impressive!

Will Johnson live up to what we all hope and have been told about the man? Will he take a stand for Trump, for America, for J6ers? Will he issues the subpoena for Fauci, Clinton, Brennan and the other 51 Intel liars? Will he act on voter fraud and...

Truth Bombs: Ted Cruz, Dan Bongino, Latest Rasmussen Poll – Terror attacks are coming

It’s a matter of when there will be terrorist attacks on the U.S. soil. Biden, with his open border policy, will be responsible. The country needs Trump back. Trump: U.S. Is ‘More Vulnerable from Inside Terror Attacks Than at Any Time in Its...

8 Million Migrants In U.S. from Biden. The plan to make them vote – and it will work!

8 Million Migrants In the US Since Biden Took Office (4 Nebraskas worth) Trump thinks it is over 15 million so far. 1776@TheWakeninq Flashback Johnson genuinely asked why open border? Here it is on record, you all heard it. Turn migrants into voters...

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